D3D-s: High-quality desktop 3D scanner

Privacy Policy

Effective Date - May 25, 2018
D3D-s is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy applies to our websites, including www.d3d-s.com, our online store, our community forum, and our online, central printing dashboard (the "Dashboard") (collectively, the "Websites") as well as products and services ("Services") provided by D3D-s ("D3D-s" together with "we," "us," and "our"). This statement governs our data collection, processing and usage practices.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time-to-time by posting a new version online. You should check this page occasionally to review any changes. We will provide notice of any material changes by doing one or more of the following: (i) posting the changes on or through the Services, (ii) sending you an email or message about the changes, or (iii) posting an update on our Websites. Your continued use of the Websites and/or continued provision of Personal Information to us will be subject to the terms of the then-current Privacy Policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our treatment of the information you provide us, please write to us by email at d3ds.team@gmail.com or by mail to D3D-s, Mashinobudivnekiv 1G, Vishneve, 08132, Ukraine, Attn: Privacy.

Information We Collect

You are free to explore the Websites without providing any Personal Information. When you visit the Websites or register for our store, our forums, or the Dashboard, we may request that you provide Personal Information, and we collect Navigational Information. Often you are able to choose what information you provide, but from time to time we may require certain information in order to provide the Services.

Personal Information

"Personal Information" means any information that you voluntarily submit to us and that identifies you personally, including contact information, such as your name, e-mail address, company name, address, phone number, and other information about yourself or your business. Personal Information can also include information about any transactions, both free and paid, that you enter into on the Websites. Personal Information may further include your IP address or other Navigational Information discussed further below if applicable.

Navigational Information

"Navigational Information" means information about your computer and your visits to the Websites such as your IP address, geographical location, browser type, referral source, length of visit and pages viewed. Please see the "Navigational Information" section below.

Information About Children

The Websites are not intended for or targeted at children under 13, and we do not knowingly or intentionally collect information about children under 13. If you believe that we have collected information about a child under 13, please contact us at d3ds.team@gmail.com, so that we may delete the information.

Data Collection

During installation, D3D-s software may ask you to consent to the collection of diagnostic information regarding your use of D3D-s software or hardware in order to help our engineers improve D3D-s products. If you consent, you agree that D3D-s may collect, maintain, and use information about the operation of D3D-s hardware and software, such as hardware serial numbers, print times, laser power levels, and 3D model sizes. No models, 3D geometry, or Personal Information will be collected without your additional and explicit consent.

If you choose to create an online account with the Dashboard or use a printer that has been previously connected to the Dashboard, you agree that D3D-s may collect, maintain, and use information about the operation of D3D-s’ hardware and software, such as hardware serial numbers, print times, laser power levels, resin type and volume, temperature, 3D model size, and other information relevant to printer operation. Further, the Dashboard users agree to share an isometric view of 3D models to be used for preview purposes within the User Interface. Full Models, 3D geometry, and Personal Information will not be collected without your additional and explicit consent. D3D-s may ask you to provide feedback regarding your printing experience. Any responses will also be collected, maintained, and used by D3D-s.

Information collected for and by the Dashboard Website will be associated with specific printers, identifiable by serial name. Users will access the printer through an encrypted MAC address where they will be prompted to create a username and password. Users who create an account will be able to associate printers with their account using the unique encrypted MAC address of the printer accessible via the printer’s User Interface. Multiple user accounts may be associated with each printer, but each user must have physical access to the printer. Each user will be able to see every print job queued to the printer, but will be unable to associate print jobs with specific users unless the users self-identify in the print job’s title.

Consent and Use of Collected Information

The use of any data collected is governed by the relevant current legislation in your region as well as this Privacy Policy. Should we wish to use the data for a purpose requiring your consent in accordance with such legislation, we will request your explicit consent in each case. Mere registration, use of our website, or recognition of this Privacy Policy does not obviate your explicit declaration of consent.

Once given, you may revoke your consent at any time and/or object to future uses of your data. This revocation may be communicated through use of the unsubscribe links provided in emails or by reaching out to the contacts provided at the bottom of this policy.

We Never Sell Personal Information

We will never sell your Personal Information to any third party.

Use of Personal Information

In addition to the uses identified elsewhere in this Privacy Policy, we may use your Personal Information to: (a) improve your browsing experience by personalizing the Websites; (b) send information (other than marketing communications) which we think may be of interest to you or that you have consented to receiving by post, email, or other means. This information includes notifications by phone or email of print status, resin levels, or other printer specific information you may request; (c) send you marketing communications relating to our business or the businesses of carefully-selected third parties which we think may be of interest to you; and (d) provide other companies with statistical information about our users – but this information will not include Personal Information of any kind or be used to identify any individual user. In addition, we may share data with trusted partners to contact you based on your interest to receive such communications, help us perform statistical analysis, send you email or postal mail, or provide customer support. Such third parties are prohibited from using your Personal Information except for these purposes, and they are required to maintain the confidentiality of your information.

Use of Navigational Information

We use Navigational Information as necessary to operate and improve the Websites. We may also use Navigational Information alone or in combination with Personal Information to provide you with personalized information about D3D-s such as whether shipping may be available in your region.

Customer Testimonials and Comments

We post customer testimonials and comments on our Websites, which may contain Personal Information. We obtain each customer's consent via email prior to posting the customer’s name and testimonial.

Use of Credit Card Information

If you give us credit card information, we use it solely to check your financial qualifications and collect payment from you. We use a third-party service provider to manage credit card processing.

Service Providers

We employ other companies and people to provide services to visitors to our Websites on our behalf and may need to share your information with them to provide information, products or services to you. Examples may include removing repetitive information from prospect lists, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, processing credit card payments, and providing customer service. These third parties have only limited access to your information, may use your information only to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated to us not to disclose or use your information for other purposes. Engaging such third party service providers is often necessary for us to provide services to you, particularly where such companies perform roles such as payment processing or shipping. In some cases these service providers are not strictly necessary, but help to improve our services by conducting research into how we could better service our users. In such cases we have a legitimate interest in working with these third party Service Providers. In all cases where we share your information with such agents, we explicitly require the agent to acknowledge and adhere to our privacy and customer data handling policies.

Security of your Personal Information

We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. When sensitive Personal Information (such as a credit card information) is collected in our store, it is protected by our third-party e-commerce provider.

Social Media Features

Our Websites include Social Media Features, such as the Facebook Like button and Widgets, such as the "Share This" button or interactive mini-programs that run on our sites. These Features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our sites, and may set a cookie to enable the Feature to function properly. Social Media Features and Widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our Websites. Your interactions with these Features are governed by the Privacy Policy of the companies providing them.

External Websites

Our Websites provide links to other websites. We do not control, and are not responsible for, the content or practices of these other websites. Our provision of such links does not constitute our endorsement of these other websites, their content, their owners, or their practices. This Privacy Policy does not apply to these other websites, which are subject to any privacy and other policies they may have.

Public Forums

We may offer publicly accessible message boards, blogs, and community forums. Please keep in mind that if you directly disclose any information through our public message boards, blogs, or forums, this information may be collected and used by others. We will correct or delete any information you have posted on our servers if you so request, as described in "Opting-Out and Unsubscribing" below.

Retention of Personal Information

We retain Personal Information that you provide us only for as long as we consider it necessary to fulfil the purpose of storage requirements and provide service to the customer. These services may be, for example, contacting you about our company, products or services as requested, maintaining your account on Dashboard, or providing Services to you. We may also use the retained information to improve our Services and ensure the Websites are functioning properly. If you no longer want D3D-s to use your information to provide the Services to you, you may close your account and rescind consent as described below. D3D-s may retain and use your information to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, enforce agreements, and as otherwise described in this policy.

We also maintain log files for internal analysis purposes. These log files are generally retained for a brief period of time, except in cases where they are used for site security and safety, to improve site functionality, or we are legally obligated to retain them for longer time periods. If such log files are maintained for a longer time period, they are anonymized and are not associated with Personal Information. We will remove this information from our servers at an earlier date if you so request, as described in "Opting-Out and Unsubscribing" below.

International Transfer of Information

To facilitate our global operations, we may transfer and access Personal Information from around the world, including the United States. If you are in the European Union, or other regions with laws governing data collection and use, by providing your personal data to us, you consent to the transfer to, processing, and storage of your personal information in the United States and other countries, the privacy laws of which may be considered less strict than those of your region. This consent applies in addition to other legal grounds for transfer, processing and storage of your Personal Information, such as for contract fulfillment purposes.

To the extent that D3D-s is deemed to transfer Personal Information outside of the European Union we rely separately, alternatively, and independently on the following legal bases to transfer your information:

Model Clauses

The European Commission has adopted standard contractual clauses (also known as Model Clauses), which provide safeguards for personal information that is transferred outside of Europe. We often use these Model Clauses when transferring personal information outside of Europe. You can request a copy of our Model Clauses by emailing d3ds.team@gmail.com.

Privacy Shield

D3D-s Inc. does not participate in Privacy Shield at this time. However, we may rely on the EU-US Privacy Shield to transfer Personal Information to some of our third party service providers in the United States, where they may be certified to receive such information under the Privacy Shield Program.

Necessary For The Performance of The Contract Between D3D-s and Its Members

D3D-s provides a voluntary service; you can choose whether or not you want to use the services. However, if you want to use the services, you need to agree to our Terms of Service, which set out the contract between D3D-s and its members. As we operate in countries worldwide (including in the US) and use technical infrastructure in the US to deliver the Services to you, in accordance with the contract between us, we need to transfer your Personal Information to the US and to other jurisdictions as necessary to provide the Services. Simply put, we can’t provide you with the Services and perform our contract with you without moving your Personal Information around the world.

Corporate Events

If we (or our assets) are acquired by another company, whether by merger, acquisition, bankruptcy or otherwise, that company would receive all the Navigational and other Information gathered by D3D-s on the Websites. This Information would continue to be governed by this Privacy Policy.

Compelled Disclosure

We reserve the right to use or disclose your Personal Information if required by law or if we reasonably believe that use or disclosure is necessary to protect our rights or to comply with a law, court order, or legal process.

Navigational Information


We use "cookies" to help you personalize your online experience. A cookie is a text file that is placed on your hard disk by a Web server. Cookies are not used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you, and can only be read by a Web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you. One of the primary purposes of cookies is to provide a convenience feature to save you time. The purpose of a cookie is to tell the Web server that you have returned to a specific page. For example, if you personalize pages on our Websites, or register for our store, a cookie helps us to recall your specific information on subsequent visits.

When you return to the same Website, the information you previously provided can be retrieved, so you can easily use the features that you customized. You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to fully experience the interactive features of the Websites. We keep track of the pages you visit on the Websites, in order to determine what parts of our store and the Websites are the most popular. This data is used to deliver customized content and advertising on the Websites to visitors whose behavior indicates that they are interested in a particular subject area.

Consent and Legitimate Interests in Processing

Certain Cookie Technologies are employed to make the Websites function for their intended purposes. By choosing to use our Services after having been notified of our use of Cookie Technologies in the ways described in this Policy, and, in applicable jurisdictions, through notice and unambiguous acknowledgement of your consent, you agree to such use.

Log Files

D3D-s may also collect anonymous demographic information, which is not unique to you, such as your ZIP code, age, gender, preferences, interests and favorites using log files. Log files may also include information regarding the success, failure of, or individual satisfaction with recent print jobs. There is also information about your computer hardware and software that is automatically collected by D3D-s. This information can include: your IP address, browser type, domain names, access times and referring website addresses. This information is used by D3D-s for the operation of the service, to maintain quality of the service, and to provide general statistics regarding use of the D3D-s website. This temporary storage of Personal Information by the system is necessary to allow delivery of the website to the computer of the user. To do this, the user's IP address must be kept for the duration of the session. The data is stored in order to ensure the functionality of the website. In addition, the data is used to optimize the website and to ensure the security of our information technology systems. An evaluation of the data for marketing purposes does not take place in this context. The log files will be deleted or anonymized after a reasonable period, unless there is a need to keep the data for the aforementioned purpose due to specific events.

Opting-Out and Unsubscribing

Reviewing, Correcting and Removing Your Personal Information

If you provide us with your Personal Information, you have the following rights with respect to that information:

  • To review the user information that you have supplied to us
  • To request that we correct any errors, outdated information, or omissions in user information that you have supplied to us
  • To request that your user information not be used to contact you
  • To request that your user information be removed from any solicitation list that we use
  • To request that your user information be deleted from our records
  • To opt out of being solicited by the Websites or third parties

To exercise any of these rights, please contact us at d3ds.team@gmail.com or by mail to D3D-s, Mashinobudivnekiv 1G, Vishneve, 08132, Ukraine, Attention: Privacy. We will promptly change, correct, or delete your information. Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you shall have the right to complain to a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your place of residence, employment or the place of the alleged infringement, if you believe that the processing of the personal data is violating the GDPR.

To Unsubscribe From Our Communications

You may unsubscribe from our marketing communications by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link located on the bottom of our emails, or by sending us email us at d3ds.team@gmail.com, or by sending us postal mail to D3D-s, Mashinobudivnekiv 1G, Vishneve, 08132, Ukraine, Attention: Privacy. Customers cannot opt out of receiving transactional emails related to their account with us or our store as these communications are necessary for the completion of the Services.